All hail, our fudge: global ambassador for British artisanal fayre, UK tour rep for quality confection! We now export to some of the finest stores in over 20 countries, literally spanning the world: from Scandinavia right down to the Falkland Islands.

But it’s the individual couriers that we are particularly fond of, those who, throughout our 30 years of services to confectionery, have personally carried our slices of sweet delectableness to the far corners of the earth, spreading the fudge gospel as they do. Whether in the front pocket of adventurous backpackers, the hold luggage of international travellers or by our own mail order delivery, we are ever grateful to our Missionaries of the Fudge Faith.
And we love meeting them. Our wonderful Edinburgh shop has managed to decorate an entire wall with currency donated by the world and his wife, creating a visual celebration of the vast array of nations – from Hong Kong to Egypt to Romania – that take the time to pop in and taste our sugary treats! A melting pot of nationalities .. right next to the literal one for fudge. Our Windsor shop has a globe covered in stars where visitors call home.

Fudge clearly knows no boundaries, but being such a cosmopolitan confectionery isn’t without its problems. Cultural and language differences have delivered their fair share of funny stories.
Not everyone has come across fudge before, for example; and many a weary traveller has mistaken our delicious fudge slices for chunks of soap like that of LUSH. Some have even been known to start massaging it into their skin while their embarrassed children look on in horror. They do say sugar is a good exfoliator though – keep massaging, folks!

Welsh fudge tourism …
Some ask how one goes about eating Fudge: do you spread it on bread? A toasted teacake perhaps? All great ideas and if you’re anything like our more dedicated Fudge Followers, you’ll sprinkle it on your Alpen in the morning. Start the day right, eh?
“Me a name I call myself, Fudge a long, long way to come (for) …”
ut what we really love; like really, really love. More than sugar, the smell of freshly cut grass or remembering to have a pint of water and a paracetamol before bed when you get in from the town. What we really, truly love … is touring choirs coming in and singing for us. With a little fudge-based bribery and coercion take a look at these fabulous Canadian choirs, coaxed into sweet harmony through the power of fudge…!
Some might say that forming a choir, learning a huge repertoire of harmonies and crossing the Atlantic for free fudge is excessive. We don’t!