And so, Lent is almost upon us when, of course, all at Fudge Kitchen will be abstaining from rich food, will be Spring cleaning like pinny-ed dervishes … and counting the days before they can dive head first into the nose bag of our new Easter Hamper, wilfully broadcasting packaging and crumbs across said pristine office. There’s nothing like a spot of righteousness for justifying doubly poor behaviour thereafter.
There are few occasions that can’t be marked by the growing range of Fudge Kitchen hampers these days
(all suggestions welcome, although ‘Having a Y in the Day’ may not wash); and Easter can this year be gratifyingly filed under ‘Shameless Excuse to Gorge on Fudge’ .. and, it would now appear, Cookies.

For the first time, we’ve jumped into bed with another brand: Cookietastic. Because they are. And will be featuring their gorgeous Easter cookie making jars in our hampers (right).
Beautifully presented in a clip seal, ribboned jar, layered strata of dry ingredients elegantly and patiently wait to be transformed into a rack of warm, mini-egg studded, chocolate cookies. Which, if you’re as indulgent as Kira Harris, our Digital Marketing Maestro, have found their perfect partner in Fudge Kitchen chocolate sauce, (also nestling amongst the hamper’s Chocolate Indulgence and Slim Slider delights). “Cookies are lovely to dunk into fudge sauce and I’m an avid dunker!”
Never let a little thing like excess stand in your way, Kira!

Clearly then, that was the real reason behind the partnership, but she has diplomatically cobbled together a party line: “We got together with Cookietastic as we were looking for something to compliment the Fudge Hampers with a company with similar foodie ethics, so we popped onto the Produced in Kent website and started to search for fudge relevant items. We loved Cookietastic’s jars which not only offered a quality product, but also something fun to do – turning our hamper into a real gourmet experience.”
Teaming with tantalising tucker, Produced in Kent is proof positive that Kent truly is the foodie heartland of the UK, and, like us, Ann-Marie, director of Cookietastic, is proudly upholding the county’s commitment to innovative, artisan products: “Cookietastic prioritise the finest, organic, ethical and locally sourced ingredients,” she explains, “Balancing such worthiness with the sheer irresistible, deliciousness of our cookies! Let’s face it, cookies are always better homemade and hot from the oven and our jars turn that process into a cinch.”
“Fudge Kitchen are natural partners for Cookietastic: a brand similarly uncompromising in the quality of their product – in ingredients, concept, packaging and flavour,” she adds. “And really, cookies and fudge .. it can’t get much better.”
Have a look at her full range of cookie making jars, party and wedding favours and decorated cookies. We particularly love her brilliant bride and groom biscuits … as good a reason to marry as any. I do!