Try as we might to keep it ‘our little secret’, word has been swiftly spreading across the globe. The rest of the world is rapidly getting wind of the wonders of our gourmet fudge and, over the last year, Fudge Kitchen’s growing export list now spans New Zealand to France, Italy to the US.
So, hey … in for a penny, in for a Euro, as they (don’t) say … we’re off to Cologne at the end of this month to ISM – the largest confectionary and snack show in the world and the trade’s first port of call for spotting the vanguard brands and concepts of tomorrow. Hence, a Fudge Kitchen stand (K41, if you happen to be passing between 26 and 29 January); because, as we know, the Future is Fudge.
Last year, over 35,000 visitors from every conceivable crevice of the food service, retail, supply and distribution sectors ploughed through the show’s endless, kaleidoscopic corridors of confectionary, every intake of breath constituting a daily calorific intake.
This is not a show for the faint hearted (or for the dieter), then. Bigger than ever, 4,500 brands will be there this year, showcasing sweets, confectionary, pastries and snacks from over 70 different countries (and Aylesham); and will be the perfect, captive, international platform from which to launch our latest raft of truly revolutionary concepts.
Between you and me (eat this blog after reading), these rather excitingly include a Summer range of Fudge Frappés, in flavours to include Hazelnut, Sea Salted Caramel and Chocolate Raspberry; and some unprecedented new festive products, such as our 12 Flavours of Christmas baubles and seasonal fudge moulds.

From ISM, MD Sian Holt will also be revealing gorgeous new packaging for our Fudge Favourites (pictured) and such new concepts as, soon to become available, The Three Amigos trio of Chocolate Chilli Drinking Fudge in three levels of hotness. She will also be demonstrating how to stand in heels and smile for an entire day… an equally impressive display. Wish her luck on all counts.